Birth certificate changes

Correcting an error

If you find an error on a birth certificate, it should be possible to correct this.

It costs £75 or £90 to apply to correct a mistake in a birth registration.

You can apply to correct a mistake in a birth registration on GOV.UK.

Making a change

Within 12 months of registering

If you wish to make a change to the first name (or any forenames) of your child, you can do so within 12 months of registering the birth.

You can:

  • change the spelling of any forenames
  • add extra forenames 
  • remove existing forenames

This can only be done once.

The original register will be annotated and a new birth certificate can be purchased.

Registrations over a year old

If the registration is more than a year old, you need to contact a solicitor and organise a Deed Poll Name Change.

There is a fee of £40.

How to make a change

You can either apply for a correction to:

  • the register office where your child’s birth was registered - for minor mistakes in a parent’s occupation, birthplace or address
  • the General Register Office - for mistakes involving things like names

For more information, visit GOV.UK's correct a birth registration page.