Register a birth

If your baby was born at home in Bracknell Forest, you must register the birth with us.

We cannot register babies born in Frimley Park or anywhere in Surrey. 

When to register your baby's birth

When your baby is born, you should register their birth within 42 days.

Where to register your baby's birth

If your baby was born at home in Bracknell Forest, you must register the birth with us.

Who can register a birth

Parents are married or in a civil partnership

If the parents are married to each other or in a civil partnership together, either parent can register.

Parents are not married

If the parents are not married to each other and the father's details are to be included, the father must come to the appointment with the mother.

If the mother attends alone, no father details will be recorded.

If the child’s parents are not married or in a civil partnership or the father’s details are not included in the entry at the time of registration, it is possible for this to be done at a later date. If the natural parents of a child marry each other, the birth should be re-registered.


There is no charge for registering the birth, however birth certificates cost £11 each. 

From 28 May 2024, the cost will be £12.50 per copy.

A birth certificate has the birth entry and includes particulars of parentage and registration. This is required to obtain a passport.

Most parents buy 2 certificates.

Book an appointment

To register a home birth, you will need to book an appointment.

We cannot register babies born in Frimley Park or anywhere in Surrey. 

Book an appointment to register a home birth

If you are unable to book online, call customer services on 01344 352000.

At the appointment

Bring your 'Red Book' or any birth paperwork, such as your discharge papers, provided by the hospital or midwife.

It would also be useful for both parents to bring:

  • a passport or birth certificate
  • proof of your current address
  • proof of any former name or names (for example, a change of name deed or marriage certificate)

You are not legally required to produce these documents but if you do, they can help to make sure your child's birth is correctly registered.

You are not required to bring your baby to the appointment.

Details the registrar will need to know

You will need to provide the following information:

  • the baby's NHS number 
  • date and place of baby’s birth 
  • full name and surname of baby
  • sex of the baby
  • parents' names, surnames and address (including any former names)
  • places and dates of the parents' birth
  • date of parents' marriage or civil partnership (if applicable)
  • parents' occupations

The following information is required by law, but does not appear in the register:

  • the date of birth for the mother and second parent (if applicable)
  • number of other children born to the mother
  • if the parents are married, the month and year of their marriage (a marriage or civil partnership certificate would be helpful if you have one)

How to find us

Appointments are held at Time Square

After the appointment

After your baby is registered, think about:

Contact information

Bracknell Forest Register Office

Make an enquiry