Larchwood short break unit

Larchwood is a short break children’s home. At Larchwood we provide personalised respite care for children who have complex needs. The children we support have a severe learning disability which may or may not include a physical disability or medical condition.

The children and young people who access Larchwood need the following support:

  • personal care
  • medication
  • behavioural
  • communication
  • sleep
  • learning and achievements

Larchwood is registered with Ofsted as a 5 bedded unit to provide overnight care. We also provide a range of other services and activities. Larchwood accepts children of any gender from the age of 5 up to their 18th birthday. Referrals to Larchwood come through Children’s Social Care. We provide day care or tea visits for our younger children. Overnight care may be offered for the older young people.

Staff are aspirational in their care of the children who attend Larchwood and our approach is child centred. We make sure children can participate through active listening of their 'voice' and we encourage collaboration with all.

At Larchwood we make sure that children can take part in a range of fun activities and positive experiences. This promote their development, while delivering sustainable support to the whole family.

Every child is an individual with the right to enjoy life within the community, appropriate to their wants and needs. Larchwood advocates respect, dignity, and freedom of choice for all, working with the future in mind.

Children's guide to Larchwood

Attachment Size
8 MB

Statement of purpose

Attachment Size
2 MB

Safeguarding policy

Attachment Size
178 KB

Contact information

Children's Social Care