Finding a private rental home

Renting from a private landlord can be the best and quickest option available for many people looking for a home in the borough.

Six to 12 month contracts between you and a private landlord (known as private tenancies, or tenancy agreements) can be repeatedly renewed and can provide stable accommodation if both you and the landlord are happy with the arrangement.

Types of accommodation

Shared flats or houses

This is where you have your own room but share the kitchen, bathroom and/or living room with other people.


This is where you rent a room in someone’s home.

Self-contained flats, houses or studios

This is accommodation where you will have your own kitchen and bathroom.

Costs to consider

Most landlords and letting agents will require at least a month's rent in advance and a deposit equivalent of a month's rent. They will also charge administration fees and may ask for a guarantor who earns at least 3 times the annual rent to be charged.

We can help you calculate what housing benefit or Universal Credit you may be entitled to. You can do this using our online benefits calculator or one of the many free calculators that are available.

Find private rented accommodation

Available accommodation can be found:

Contact information

Welfare and Housing Service

Make an enquiry