Customer accounts

You need to register for each of our accounts separately. Creating an account in one portal will not enable access to other online services.

My account

Save and return to your online requests and reports to the council about bins, roads, street lighting, trees and more.

Visit the My account portal


Tell us about any changes that could affect the amount of Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit your eligible for.

Visit Citizen Access Benefits

Council tax

Let us know if your contact details are changing so we can keep your council tax account up to date.

Visit Citizen Access Revenues

Housing register

Register to join the housing register and bid on properties.

Visit BFC My Choice

Library account

Access borrower services such as reserving or renewing books.

Visit your library account

Planning register

Sign up to track applications, save searches and get email notifications.

Visit the planning register

Job vacancies

Search for jobs and apply online.

View job vacancies

Community learning

Search for local courses and book online.

View community learning courses

Email updates

Council and democracy alerts

Keep up-to-date with the decisions the council is making which affect you and your area.

Register for democratic email alerts

Council newsletters

Sign up for council updates on a range of topics.

Sign up for updates

Consultation portal

Get involved in consultations and tell us what you think. Register to be kept informed of upcoming consultations.

Visit the consultation portal