
When you apply for Universal Credit, you will be asked to agree to a commitment with your work coach. This is a list of things you will do in order to qualify for Universal Credit and to receive payments.

If you fail to complete an agreed action, Universal Credit may stop or reduce your award. This is known as a sanction. The amount you lose and for how long depend on the reason. 

Things you can do to prevent a sanction being considered are:

  • making sure you understand all your responsibilities
  • asking your work coach or Jobcentre adviser to explain anything that’s unclear
  • letting the Jobcentre know as soon as possible if there’s anything in your agreement you can’t do and explain your reasons
  • keeping track of all the dates when you must go to the Jobcentre and any other meetings you must go to
  • keeping a record all your activities relating to your benefit requirements (for example, the time spent looking for work and jobs you applied for)
  • keeping a copy of anything the Jobcentre gives or sends you
  • if you can’t attend a meeting or interview, or know you’re going to be late, make sure you give as much notice as possible

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Welfare and Housing Service

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