Plastic bags and wrapping recycling trial

We are taking part in a trial for the recycling of plastic bags and wrapping.

Around 10,000 properties across the borough have been selected to be part of the trial.

Find streets included in the trial

How to recycle your plastic bags and wrapping at home

If you are part of the trial, you will be given blue recycling bags to put your plastic bags and wrapping in. 

Securely tie the bags

When you have filled the bag make sure you tie it securely in a double knot.

Where to put the bags

Put the filled bag inside your blue recycling bin on top of your recycling.

Fill each collection bag as much as you can before using another one.

All items should be dry, clean and free from any food.

What goes in your blue recycling bags

What we can and cannot take in your blue recycling bags
Yes No
carrier bags pouches, sachets, and packets used for microwaveable food, baby food, pet food, cosmetics, detergent and cleaning
bags used to hold salad, fruit, vegetables, frozen foods, bread, cereal and flowers crisp tubes
confectionery wrappers such as chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cakes, ice cream and chewing gum plastic straws
foil-lined packaging such as crisp packets, snack packets and coffee bags plastic cutlery
plastic film and sleeves such as removable film lids, plastic sleeves for bottles and jars foam or polystyrene of any kind
bubble wrap and cling film disposable gloves or masks
fruit and vegetable net bags balloons
cheese, fish and meat wrapping blister packs, pills, and tablets packaging
outer layer bags and wrapping used for multi-pack toilet and kitchen roll, magazine and newspaper wrapping compostable or biodegradable bags and wrapping

Top tip

Keep your plastic bags and wrapping until you’ve collected a full bag before putting them in your blue recycling bin.

Items to recycle as normal

Put these items loose in your blue recycling bin as normal:

  • plastic bottles, pots, tubs, or trays
  • ready meal or fresh meat and fish containers or trays

For a full list of items, go to our recycling bin collection page.

Order more blue recycling bags

Remember to order more bags before you reach the end of your supply. Only use the blue collection bags provided and not any other bag.

Order more blue recycling bags

Request an additional blue recycling bin

Try to squash your regular recycling down as much as possible to fit the bag of plastic wrapping.

If you are often not able to fit all your recycling in your blue bin, you can order another one.

Request an additional blue recycling bin

More information

The trial is funded by Flexible Plastic Fund and the government. It is currently available to selected councils. 

The trial will run until March 2025. We hope that, subject to funding, the service will continue beyond 2025. After this, government legislation should provide the necessary funding.

All recycling, including the plastic bags and wrapping, will be taken to the material recycling facility in Reading.

The process of sorting plastic bags and wrapping is different to sorting other recyclable items.

They need to be sorted manually. Keeping plastic bags and wrapping separate in blue bags, tied securely with a double knot, makes sorting them much easier.

Get more information on the Recycle Now website.

Give us your feedback

To help us learn as much as possible during this trial, we would like to hear your feedback.

Give us your feedback

Follow us on Facebook

To keep you motivated, we will be sharing some statistics and tips on our re3 - plastic bags and wrapping recycling trial page on Facebook.       

Contact us

If you have any questions about the trial, contacts us by: